In this "bay" we find 6 adult and child hippos that intermittently rise up from the water to snort or get air. Do you see the top of their heads poking up from their submerged safety? An eagle flies towards them.
A distant view of impala, zebra, buffalo and wildebeast roaming freely in the open plains and near watering holes reminds me of my role as a visitor in this dynamic community with membership to the "circle of life." We are lucky to see a herd of quick-footed impala running to the other side of the water as graceful dancers across the grass. Below, a lone buck impala stands erect against a backdrop of unconcerned zebra, savannah, and looming distant hills. He is likely out on his own, banned from a bachelor herd and without harem of females.
Spotted- the white rhino, an endangered species.
The rhino is considered one of the "big 5" safari animals to spot. The rest are lion, cheetah, buffalo, and elephant.